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Getting Started

The easiest way to get started with TerriaJS is to use TerriaMap. TerriaMap is a full-featured application built on TerriaJS, ready to be customized with your own branding and catalog. It is also a great starting point for more in-depth customization.

Use Docker to start a TerriaMap container:

docker run -d -p 3001:3001

You should now be able to access TerriaMap at http://localhost:3001/.

To clean up and delete the container, you can run:

docker rm -f [id given by docker run command]

Customizing TerriaMap

Learn about many customization options in Customizing TerriaMap.

For customisations that don't require rebuilding TerriaMap, you can apply changes by mounting your own files into the docker container. E.g. to mount a custom config.json file, custom catalog file my-catalog.json and a custom serverconfig.json file, run the following instead of the above docker run command:

docker run -d -p 3001:3001 \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/config.json,destination=/app/wwwroot/config.json \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/my-catalog.json,destination=/app/wwwroot/init/simple.json \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/serverconfig.json,destination=/app/serverconfig.json \

Some more advanced customizations will require rebuilding TerriaMap. To do these you will have to follow the Cloning and Building guide.

Deploying TerriaMap

You can deploy the container you've made using a container service from a cloud provider or Kubernetes. See Deploying TerriaMap for more information.

Without Docker

Follow the Cloning and Building guide to get started with TerriaMap without docker.